A leaders perspective…Lady C
Posted with permission by Lady. C. Lady C. participated in a 2.5-day virtual group for abortion healing. This type of group is fast paced, with a lot of book work
The blog is the testimonies of participants who have experienced freedom from the shame of abortion, various thoughts on various topics, and leaders perspectives after completing a group.
Posted with permission by Lady. C. Lady C. participated in a 2.5-day virtual group for abortion healing. This type of group is fast paced, with a lot of book work
In the pro-life movement there are opposing opinions whether someone who hasn’t had an abortion should be allowed to be a bible study leader in an abortion recovery group. The
Posted with permission from Lady T God is so faithful to show His love for us and for our children. I’ve heard many stories of women who say they completely
This conversation often comes up in our small abortion recovery group sessions. Some say they will never share their story with anyone. Others say there are several people they won’t
Last month we were discussing J.’s experience in the virtual abortion recovery group. We left off with J. strengthening herself in the Lord after week 4. All was going well
You know the song ‘This is the air I breathe’ and others like it talking about our breathe given to us by God? We sang one of those songs in
First day into my word FOCUS and God speaks. I decided to read though the Psalms again. Psalm 1:2 But his delight is in the law of the Lord, and
Proverbs 21:21 He who follows righteousness and mercy finds life, righteousness and honor. Several months ago I started reading The book of Mark. I wanted to study more about Jesus
This post was approved by J. “Can I come to one meeting, then not come to the next if it gets too hard then show up at a later meeting?”
I like to describe going through an abortion recovery bible study as a journey similar to hiking the John Muir Trail (JMT). Disclaimer: I’ve never hiked this trail, nor do
"One of the greatest gifts Jesus gives us is robust, secure identities. This is such good news in a time of such fragile cultural identities."
- Jon Tyson
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