Leaders perspective…Lady J Part 2

Last month we were discussing J.’s experience in the virtual abortion recovery group. We left off with J. strengthening herself in the Lord after week 4. All was going well until we were closing out week six. As I detailed the homework for the next week, which was to ask God to help these mothers know what gender the baby was and give them a name, as well as, write their child a letter. This

information hit J. very hard, tears poured out as she told us she didn’t think she was ready for this next step. She was face-to-face with the understanding that by giving her children names would make this all very real for her.

It is a common response for women who’ve had an abortion is to push away all those motherly instincts. You see, we are mothers to those babies regardless of how the child lived or died. Motherly instincts are God-given and don’t go away because our babies aren’t with us.

J. knew she was about to open a door to her heart she had kept locked, sealed, and hidden in darkness for decades. My co-leader (Carrie) and I spent nearly 1.5 hours on zoom with her and the other ladies as they processed what they were about to face. It was precious and sacred time. J. allowed us to speak truth and life into her as we read scripture, reminded her of God’s love and prayed with her.

This part of the journey can be incredibly difficult to navigate. As guides/leaders/facilitators we get to lead ladies to several peak experiences, but the climb can be emotionally challenging. For the women who make it through to the summit they are stilled by the incredible view and vastness of God’s beauty and love for them.

J. pushed through, tethered herself to the Lord and trusted her guides that she would see glory at the top. In so doing, she made a sweet connection with her children and now looks with anticipation to the day when she will meet them face-to-face.

What a joy it is to help connect mothers with their babies. For some it is the first connection. For J. it was hers.

Her faith is stronger, her hope more certain and she is more in love with the Lord which is a direct result of your faithful prayers and giving.

Thank you for your partnership with An Even Place!

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